Helping Your Society and Its Members Succeed
Leverage Our Community
FASEB is dedicated to helping your society and its members succeed by sharing knowledge and creating networks that help your society thrive. Join our community of scientific societies—one of the most influential voices in Washington—and access a wide array of benefits.
Have a Voice at the Table
As a FASEB member, your society has significant input in FASEB’s decision-making by designating a representative to both the FASEB Board of Directors and the FASEB Science Policy Committee—providing opportunities to help shape and implement FASEB’s strategic direction, and to have a voice in changes that affect science practice, research, education, and knowledge. Your society’s membership affords your members opportunities to serve on other FASEB committees, too.

Promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are at the heart of FASEB’s goal to ensure a diverse biological and biomedical workforce. As a FASEB member, your society distinguishes itself by promoting the value of diversifying the biological and biomedical workforce and the field your society serves. Working together, FASEB’s members’ efforts to ensure organizational excellence, provide research and education, and engage with the public are being recognized through such exclusive programs as the FASEB Excellence in Science Awards.
Find Greater Success Through Networking
Your society knows the value of networking because you offer it to your members. Achieve a higher level of success by leveraging FASEB’s connections to such groups as the Executive Officers Advisory Committee and other topical interest subcommittees to advance your society’s mission. Joining FASEB means your society members will also have opportunities to network with some of the research community’s best and brightest.

Raise Your Society’s Visibility
When your society joins FASEB, it becomes part of a network of scientific societies that have joined forces with such groups as Research!America, Coalition for the NSF, Campaign for Science, as well as other ad hoc research groups that support our collective principles and policy priorities, affect change in the biological and biomedical workforce, and speak with one voice on Capitol Hill.