FASEB BioAdvances
Open Access. Sound Science. Broad Scope.
FASEB BioAdvances is an international, fully open access journal that publishes high-quality biological and biomedical research. It emphasizes sound science, robust experimentation, and welcomes studies across a wide spectrum, including null findings and incremental advances. The journal covers topics from molecular biology to ecosystems, featuring research articles, reviews, letters, and perspectives on key issues in academia and society. Committed to open dissemination, FASEB BioAdvances makes science accessible to all.

Journal Metrics
2023 CiteScore (Scopus): 5.4
2023 Journal Citation Indicator (Clarivate): 0.39
2023 Journal Impact Factor (Clarivate): 2.5
2023 Eigenfactor Score: 0.00152
2023 Full-Text Views: 119,100
Submissions to first decision (average): 5 days

Reasons to Submit Your Research to FASEB BioAdvances
In the ever-expanding landscape of scientific publishing, FASEB BioAdvances offers a unique platform tailored to meet the needs of researchers committed to rigorous experimentation and open dissemination. Here's why publishing with FASEB BioAdvances is the right choice for your research.
- Fully Open Access
- Committed to Sound Science
- Broad Scope and Interdisciplinary Focus
- Diverse and Distinguished Editorial Board
- Rapid Turnaround Time
- Non-Profit Commitment
- Broad Discoverability
- Rigorous Peer Review
- Integration with Dryad for Data Sharing
Current Calls for Papers
Epigenetics in Human Disease
Submission Deadline: 1 April 2025
Null Findings in Biological Research
Submission Deadline: 30 April 2025

Introducing Research Letters: Fast, Focused, and Impactful
FASEB BioAdvances has introduced Research Letters, a concise article format designed for the rapid publication of significant findings, offering researchers a fast, high-impact alternative to traditional full-length articles. This new format supports timely dissemination of key insights with a 1,500-word limit, fast-track editorial review, and a focus on clarity and precision, enriching the journal's role as a platform for groundbreaking research.
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