Washington Update
FASEB Hosts Sessions at NPA Annual Conference
By: Jacqueline Robinson-Hamm and Debra L. BouyerThursday, March 31, 2022
FASEB is hosting two concurrent sessions at the National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) annual conference on April 1 and 2 in Chicago focused on benefits for postdoctoral scholars (postdocs) and supporting diverse postdoc communities.
On April 1 at 10 am, FASEB will help lead the “Advocacy for Equitable Postdoc Benefits: Methods, Challenges, and Successes” session featuring FASEB staff; Mallory Smith, PhD, NPA Advocacy Committee Co-chair; and Kathleen Flint Ehm, PhD, from Stony Brook University. The session will begin with an overview of the persistent issue of inequitable access to postdoc benefits depending on pay mechanism and employee status from NPA. FASEB’s new factsheet series will highlight relevant data, and FASEB will provide methods for postdocs and leaders in higher education to advocate for more equitable access to benefits for all postdocs. Flint Ehm’s presentation will showcase the success of creating a postdoc fringe rate and expanded benefits for postdocs across the multi-campus State University of New York system. These brief presentations will be followed by breakout groups to further engage in these topics and network with other attendees interested in advocating for more equitable access to postdoc benefits locally and nationally.
FASEB’s second session, “Reimagining DEAI: Supporting Today’s Diverse Postdoctoral Community,” will be held on April 2 at 1:15 pm. Staff from FASEB, AAAS/SEA Change, and the American Geophysical Union will highlight the commitment of professional societies to diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusivity. Attendees will learn about programs, policies, and collaborative efforts by professional societies that support postdocs throughout their career, with a particular emphasis on opportunities that can foster inclusivity and equity. Topic areas that will be discussed include mentorship, science advocacy and policy, expansion of personal and professional networks, retention, and support of postdocs from historically excluded communities—both scientifically and recognizing the needs of the whole person.
FASEB is a long-standing supporter of the NPA and its overarching mission to support postdocs. We hope to see you at the conference.