Washington Update

DataWorks! Reviews Data Best Practices in Publishing

By: Stephanie Hagstrom
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
FASEB DataWorks! Salon and Help Desk are featuring resources to enhance researchers’ understanding of data best practices in scientific journals and publications. FASEB launched DataWorks! to provide resources to support a culture of data sharing and reuse within the biological and biomedical research community. 

DataWorks! Salon
On April 16 at 3 pm ET, DataWorks! Salon will review data best practices in scientific journals and publications. The salon will feature Darla Henderson, PhD, Director of Publications and Director of Open Science and Research Integrity at FASEB, and Jess Herzog, Head of Publishing Services at Dryad. 

Key topics will include navigating the data submission process, integrating data for career advancement, using strategic approaches to amplify your citations, and overcoming common concerns about data publication. 

Salons are free to attend but require registration. Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEscO-rrD0oGtU0CZmszQVldEENPg-evtNm  
DataWorks! Help Desk
Complementary to the April salon, Help Desk features “how to” guides to help researchers meet publishers’ data sharing and management expectations. The guides cover such topics as citing data, creating a data availability statement, finding data journals, and more.