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FASEB's Statement on Racial Justice
Friday, June 5, 2020George Floyd. Breonna Taylor. Ahmaud Arbery. Three more names that have been added to a sickeningly long list of Black people killed as a result of racism in the U.S. The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) joins the nation in mourning the senseless loss of these and the lives of far too many other victims of race-based violence. As advocates, we strongly support the peaceful protests and demonstrations that spotlight overt inequalities still rampant across our country.
This is a time for collective reflection and soul searching and an opportunity to reassess FASEB’s contributions not only to the scientific community, but also broader social conversations. Our conclusion is simple: We must do better. There is much work to be done to truly foster diversity, equity, and inclusion, within the scientific community and beyond.
FASEB recognizes the disproportionally high toll the Black members of our community face and commits to do more to combat discrimination, harassment, and racism within our community.
This will require dedicated and sustained effort, and results will not be immediate; however, it is critical that our community helps amplify the voices that have been silenced as a result of systemic discrimination.