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FASEB Issues Letter to NIH OLAW on Administrative Burden Report
Wednesday, October 2, 2019On October 1, FASEB submitted a letter to NIH OLAW and other members of the 21st Century Cures Working Group regarding the final report, "Reducing Administrative Burden for Researchers: Animal Care and Use in Research," released August 28. FASEB submitted comments on the draft report in February.
The letter thanks the Working Group for their efforts to address this topic, and their willingness to include public engagement over the next two years of implementation. However, FASEB expressed concern that the Working Group did not fully address the purpose of the law. In closing, the letter outlines two proposed interim actions: 1) development of a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document to clarify ongoing questions of common concern in the community and, 2) publication of a regular OLAW blog to encourage communication between federal agencies and animal research stakeholders.