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FASEB Convenes Geohealth Session at AGU Meeting
Monday, December 7, 2020FASEB is collaborating with the American Geophysical Union (AGU) to present a joint session on geohealth at AGU's fall meeting. Taking place December 10, the session, "Impacts of Heat Stress on Infectious Disease: Drawing Biological Links Between Geoscience and Human Health," is FASEB's first collaboration with AGU scientists.
FASEB President-elect Patricia Morris of Chromocell Biopharma and Immediate Past President Hannah V. Carey of the University of Wisconsin–Madison will jointly convene the session with AGU scientists Helena Chapman of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and Benjamin Zaitchik of Johns Hopkins University. The session will feature a panel of AGU and FASEB scientists who will explore the synergy between the AGU community's studies on geohealth impacts of extreme heat and the FASEB community's studies on how heat stress and heat tolerance influence human health and performance. Included among the expert panelists will be scientists from several FASEB member societies, including American Physiological Society, American College of Sports Medicine, Society of Toxicology, and Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention.