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Cannabis & Chronic Pain: Separating Science from Stigma
Monday, November 26, 2018The latest issue of FASEB’s Horizons in Bioscience publication, “Cannabis & Chronic Pain: Separating Science from Stigma,” has just been released. Focusing on its effect on the pain pathway, researchers verify its potential role in relieving chronic pain.
FASEB’s Horizons in Bioscience is a collection of illustrated articles that highlight recent developments in basic biomedical research and explain their impact on medicine and human health. Print copies and audio versions of this and other Breakthroughs articles are available at no cost for educational or advocacy purposes and can be requested by visiting the Breakthroughs & Horizons in Bioscience webpage or by contacting FASEB’s Office of Public Affairs at 301-634-7650.
Cannabis & Chronic Pain: Separating Science from Stigma – Due to its poor reputation, cannabis and cannabinoid research has languished over the past 50 years. However, as regulations on its use are softened and scientists take a second look at its effect on the pain pathway, researchers verify its potential role in relieving chronic pain. As the opioid crisis ramps up, cannabinoids may be a useful weapon in fighting addiction while reducing pain. Download the PDF here.