Agenda: Understanding How Gametogenic Genes Promote Cancer


Conference Organizer:
Angelique Whitehurst, PhD
Associate Professor
UT-Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX

Please note that this tentative schedule is subject to change. Each speaker will present their talk live and the entire conference will be recorded. 

Time (Eastern)Event

9:00 am – 9:05 am

FASEB Welcome & Organizer Welcome

9:05 am – 9:30 am

Meiotic Nuclear Division 1 Functions in Somatic DNA Repair
Rene Medema, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands

9:35 am – 10:00 am

Epigenetic Causes and Consequences of Cancer-Germline Gene Activation in Cancer
Charles de Smet, Institut de Duve, Bruselles, Belgium

10:05 am – 10:35 am

Gametogenic-/Stem Cell-Specific TEX19 Regulates the Oncogenic Epigenome
Ramsay McFarlane, North West Cancer Research Institute, Bangor, UK

10:35 am – 11:15 am

Break/Panelist Discussion

11:15 am – 11:40 am

Meiotic Synaptonemal Complex – a Toolbox of Latent Oncogenes
Urszula Mclurg, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK

11:45 am – 12:10 pm

The Consequences of Cytoskeletal Diversification in Cancer Cell Biology
Courtney Schroeder, UT-Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
12:15 pm – 12:40 pm
Mechanistic Participation of Cancer Testes Antigens in the Hallmarks of Cancer
Angelique Whitehurst, UT-Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
12:40 pm – 1:00 pm
Panelist Discussion/Closing Remarks